
全球最大的博彩公司(也被称为“Southpointe”), “学校”, “we”, 或“我们”)是则采取的一所独立预科学校, 在不列颠哥伦比亚省提供K至12年级的服务. 
The School complies with the British Columbia Personal Information Protection Act (“BC PIPA”) regarding the management of personal information. We also comply with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (“CASL”) for the purpose of interacting with individuals through 电子 messages.

据BC PIPA报道, personal information means recorded information about an identifiable individual other than business contact information.
Contact information submitted as part of 招生 or Advancement inquiries, email communications or job applications is considered personal contact information and will be subject to any privacy requirements as stated in BC PIPA and CASL.
This privacy notice explains how Southpointe manages personal information under the following circumstances: 

  • 当公众人士浏览学院网站时;
  • when the School communicates with families or prospective families;
  • when individuals apply for jobs, volunteer work or board of governor positions at the School.

在Southpointe, we value your privacy and it is our priority to protect your personal information and ensure that it is not 使用d or shared for any purpose not stated in this privacy notice. 

The School collects and 使用s personal information for the following purposes:

We collect pa租金’s name, 电子邮件地址, student’s name and school grade that the inquiry is about. We 使用 this information to respond to pa租金s with details about Southpointe and specifically, 家长们正在打听学校的年级.

我们收集姓名, 电子邮件地址 and specific inquiry details in order to respond back through the email provided.

The School collects 电子邮件地址es from prospective and cur租金 pa租金s for the purpose of email communications. Prospective pa租金s receive relevant information about Southpointe. 对于现在的父母, 电子邮件是了解新闻的首选方式, 事件, 以及学生学习生活的日常要求.

When a student is accepted into Southpointe we collect personal information from the pa租金s and the student as a requirement for enrollment with the School. 
The information we collect includes student and pa租金s’ names, 学生出生日期, 家庭电话号码, 国内的电子邮件, 父母的职业, 父母工作电话, 学生当前成绩(如有).

我们将收集联系方式和资格, resume and references of any individual applying for a job at the School. We will 使用 this information to evaluate the applicant’s relevant experience regarding the role they are applying for and their fit with the School.

The School 使用s cookies and Google Analytics to help us enhance the 使用 of our website and our visitors’ experience. 
为此目的, 我们收集位置信息, IP地址, 设备信息, 浏览活动,而在网站上. This information helps us optimize the content and format of our website to serve you better.
We also 使用 cookies for the purpose of advertising on third-party sites. These cookies are accessed by digital advertising sites in order to effectively reach the appropriate audiences outside of our website.
You may disable the 使用 of cookies on your browser if you wish to do so by accessing the privacy settings to disallow cookies.

Be aware that when you interact with the School through social media, 比如脸谱网或Instagram, these social platforms collect aggregate demographic information such as age, 性别, 和利益. We do not have access to this information or monitor it for any purpose.
Make sure that you do not provide unnecessary personal information or anybody else’s such as name, 电子邮件地址, 或者通过你的社交媒体帖子找到电话号码.

Southpointe不卖, 租金, 贸易, or otherwise disclose any of the personal information we collect from you to third parties not identified on this privacy notice.


  • We explicitly request your consent to allow us to share your personal information with third parties under specific circumstances.
  • We work with service providers that host or process data on our behalf. We only allow sharing of information with service providers that have agreed to satisfy strict data protection requirements.
  • We believe disclosing personal information is necessary to investigate, 防止, 或者对非法活动采取行动, 疑似欺诈行为, or potential threats to the School or any individuals with a relation to the School.
  • We are compelled to disclose personal information for legal reasons that do not require your consent, 比如法院命令.

Southpointe stores your personal information at their premises in British Columbia and with third-party service providers that are either located in 加拿大 or the US. 

学校已经实施了物理, 电子, and procedural safeguards to protect the systems and locations where we store your personal information against unauthorized access, 使用, 或披露. 
We ensure that our employees are aware of the procedures to follow to protect personal information and we also work with our third-party providers to ensure they follow data protection practices.
请注意互联网数据传输, 无论是有线还是无线, 不能保证100%的安全. 结果是, Southpointe cannot ensure the security of data you transmit to us 电子ally outside the forms we provide on our website and cannot take responsibility for any theft, 滥用, 未经授权的披露, 损失, 变更, or destruction of data by a party that may intercept the data. We encourage you not to share personal information through email or any other medium where your personal information is not properly protected.

如果你还有其他问题, 担忧, 或与集合相关的请求, 使用或披露您的个人信息, 请透过电邮联络我们 privacy@vrps.net.